


答案:Here is a short script in English:
Title: The Lost Wallet
- Jack, a forgetful man
- Sarah, a helpful stranger
Scene: A busy street in the city
(Jack is walking down the street, looking worried. He checks his pockets and realizes his wallet is missing.)
Jack: Oh no, where did I put my wallet? I must ha ve dropped it somewhere.
(Sarah notices Jack looking around and approaches him.)
Sarah: Are you okay? Do you need any help?
Jack: Yes, actually. I think I lost my wallet somewhere around here.
Sarah: Don't worry, let's retrace your steps and see if we can find it.
(Jack and Sarah start walking back the way Jack came. They look around and ask people if they've seen a lost wallet.)
Jack: I'm so forgetful, I can't believe I lost my wallet a gain.
Sarah: It happens to the best of us. Let's keep looking.
(They come across a man who has found Jack's wallet.)
Man: Excuse me, is this your wallet?
Jack: Yes, that's mine! Thank you so much. I was so worried.
Man: No problem, I was happy to help.
Sarah: That's great news. I'm glad we could find it.
Jack: Thank you for your help. I couldn't ha ve done it without you.
Sarah: Anytime. Ha ve a good day!
(Jack and Sarah part ways, and Jack continues on his way, relieved to ha ve found his wallet.)
End of script.


