


答案:How to say essay in English?


答案:Good morning everyone, today I am going to give a lesson about the topic of sports in English. The lesson is designed for a group of intermediate level students who are interested in sports and want to improve their English skills in this area.
First of all, we will start with a warm-up activity. I will ask the students to stand up and stretch their arms and legs. Then, I will divide the class into pairs and ask them to introduce themselves to their partners, including their name, fa vorite sport, and why they like it.
Next, we will move on to the main part of the lesson. I will introduce some common sports vocabulary, such as basketb a ll, footb a ll, tennis, swimming, etc. I will ask the students to repeat the words after me and practice the pronunciation. Then, I will show them some pictures of these sports and ask them to match the words with the pictures.
After that, we will focus on the grammar aspect of the lesson. I will teach the students how to use the present continuous tense to describe what people are doing in sports. For example, He is playing basketb a ll or She is swimming in the pool. I will give some examples and ask the students to make sentences using the present continuous tense.
Finally, we will end the lesson with a f u n activity. I will divide the class into two teams and ask them to play a game of charades. One student from each team will come to the front of the class and act out a sport without speaking, while their team members guess what the sport is. The team with the most correct guesses wins.
In conclusion, this lesson is designed to help intermediate level students improve their English skills in the area of sports. It includes a warm-up activity, vocabulary practice, grammar instruction, and a f u n game. I hope that the students will enjoy the lesson and learn something new today. Thank you.


答案:How to say ask a question in English?


答案:Essay sample in English.


答案:To read an article in English, you can start by scanning the title and subheadings to get an idea of the topic. Then, read the first para graph to understand the main idea or thes i s statement. As you continue reading, pay attention to any new vocabulary or phrases, and try to understand the context in which they are used. Take notes if necessary and don't be afraid to look up unfamiliar words or concepts. Finally, summarize the main points of the article in your own words to ensure that you ha ve understood it fully.




1. 学习基础语法知识:学习英语语法是写好句子的基础。可以通过学习英语语法书籍、观看英语语法视(shì)频(pín)等(děng)方式来提高自己的语法知识。
2. 阅读优秀英语作品:阅读英语文章或书籍可以帮助你了解英语句子的结构和用法。可以选择一些适合自己水平的英语作品,多读多背,逐渐掌握英语句子的写作技巧。
3. 练习写作:只有通过实践才能掌握写作技巧。可以通过写日记、写作文等方式来练习写作。刚开始可以尝试模仿一些优秀的句子,逐渐形成自己的写作风格。


